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Extensions to Care Homes

Lane House, Tamworth

Lane House is a listed building which required a total refurbishment and a  rear single story extension to provide additional en-suite rooms with a new lounge providing access to the rear garden.


The home was re devloped for Northgate Health Care.


The refurbishment and extension was undertaken in a number of phases so as to allow the home to continue operating throughout the works.



Lickhill Manor
Lickhill Manor a Grade 11 listed building was extended to provide additional ground floor bedrooms within a new single storey extension.
The development was undertaken foollowing lengthy discussions with English Heritage.
Aldridge Court


Total Redevlopment of existing Care Home, to provide En suite Bedrooms, and new Kitchen and Laundry facilaties.


The development was located within the Green Belt.



AP Architecure Ltd 2018   Architects for Care Home Design Telford, England, United Kingdom

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